Monday, March 17, 2014

Slow cooker BBQ chicken

One thing about planning your menu out is being organized. In most aspects of my life I lack organization. I am organized at work, despite what my desk looks like, and I am organized with my crockpot meals. Everything else is merely organized chaos. Everyother Saturday I sit down with my "diary", as my son calls it, (a notebook full of recipes) and computer. I go through old recipes, find and tweak new ones. I review my menu for the next two weeks with my main squeeze to see it he is requesting anything in particular.

When I was making my most recent grocery list, my husband said something that made me look at him with utter confusion. He said "Can we get something to grill?" Whhaatt? Grill? Like, not use my slow cooker? I told him I had to think about it. I have been using my slowcooker for 90% of all meals for the past 5 months. And prior to that I used it pretty frequently. Now, dont get me wrong, I love a grilled meal just as much as a crocked meal. But, the one thing I love more is coming home to a already cooked meal. I went ahead an prepared for BBQ chicken as that could be grilled or prepared in the crock pot.

Ingredients: Serves 6
6-8 chicken drumsticks
1 bottle BBQ sauce
3TBS brown sugar

I added all the ingredients to a freezer bag and defrosted the night before. Place the chicken and BBQ sauce in the slowcooker and cook high 3 hrs or low 5-6 hours. A good tip is to put the cooked chicken drumsticks under the broiler for about 5-10 minutes.

With this meal we also had steamed cabbage and onions (Mmmmm). My son kept asking me for a bone. I was thinking, Yes!!! He is going to eat something besides peanut butter... nope, he just wanted to pretend he was a dog and chewing on a bone.

If you decide to cook this in the slowcooker (team chintzylady) or on the grill (team grill-guy) it is very easy to prepare, easy on the budget, and delicious to eat.

I forgot to take a picture, but this is what it looks like (You see one BBQ chicken leg, you've seen them all)


  1. Mmmmm.. It looks good! Dad-gum-it, I'm going to get me a slow cooker!! I had t click anonymous because I dont have any of those others. but it's me Lisa ;-)

  2. Get a slow cooker and you wont want to cook any other way!

  3. I have some fresh pinapple I think I am going to throw in the bag to before freezing and skip the brown sugar or not use as much as our sweet baby rays bbq sauce is pretty sweet
